OSHC CLUB - Hilton

Teddy Bear Corner OSHC Club Hilton is located on site at Hilton Primary School.
We are situated in a new classroom adjacent to a large, secured undercover area for all weather activities and play. OSHC Club - Hilton caters for before and after school care and offers an exciting and educational School Holiday Program for children aged 4-12 years.
Teddy Bear Corner OSHC Club Hilton continues our 'Grow, Learn & Discover' philosophy with our highly qualified educators providing only the best in quality care for your child.
Drop off and Pick up service are currently offered to/from the following schools -
+Hilton Primary School
+Samson Primary School
+East Hamilton Hill Primary
For more information or to inquire about us coming to your child's school please phone 0423 745 671 or
hilton.teddybearcorner@iinet.net.au for more information.